Thursday, January 3, 2013

Inhale The Best Exhale The Stress: Affirmations & Well-Being

Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated to get fit. If you haven’t made it a lifestyle change and even when you have, some days are just better than others. When it comes to goal setting and staying focused, people can be their own worst enemy. Some of the  things that they feed themselves mentally and physicallycan be very defeating.  Trying to accomplish goals in fitness (and in life for that matter) will sometimes take a total reprogramming of the mind.  We deserve to live well and be well.  

Affirmations, Meditations, and/ or Positive Thinking exercises are a great way to start exposing yourself to your better half. The half that says, “ Yes, I can achieve that now” … instead of the half that’s trending along with the popular  phrase, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Affirmations foster a belief that we have unlimited personal power and have control over three very important things in our lives…
  • ·         the thoughts we think
  • ·         the images we visualize
  • ·         and the actions we take
which navigate the direction and road we travel in life thus having better control over these three equals better control over our direction in life. Some people strongly believe that affirmations can completely change outcomes and a person’s life for the better.  I feel focused when I take the time to affirm my goals. I use affirmations to help keep me focused on my goals and to remain strong within.
I do affirmations while falling asleep and when I wake up in the morning. I chose these times because it is said that our subconsciousness is most influenced during this time (ie: watching a movie before going to bed then dreaming of a similar theme etc.) Here is a personal visualization and affirmation vid I don't mind sharing in hopes that it will continue to attract wellness to me and inspire someone in the process.


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