Weight Loss Coaching

Week Long Weight Loss Course

Cost: ONLY $50.00 (One Week Course)
Now all of the topics mentioned at the Xtreme Fitness Health & Nutrition Workshops are discussed in dept in our extensive week long program
Clients will receive basic food critique and meals plans. Program focuses on clear cut information regarding weight loss. This program is designed  for the more independent client.
Food Journal Assessment
Food Journal Critique
1-Weekly Standardized Meal Plan
1-Week Standardized Exercise Plan
Crash Course Instructional Sheet: How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off
1-Month Unlimited Email Support

Clear Cut Coaching for Weight Loss

Cost: $100.00 (Month Long Program)
This program is a basic weight loss program designed for those who have a somewhat better relatio. Clients will learn basic knowledge in nutrition and exercise. Clients will complete a series of short tasks to get them on their way towards becoming motivated for weight loss.
Services Include:
Initial contact client survey/assessment forms
20 min. Initial contact interview w/client
2 Day Food Journal Assessment
1-Food Journal Critique w/ recommendations based on 2 day Food Journal
1 Month-Standardized Meal Plan
1-Month Standardized Workout Plan
1-Weekly Personal Accountability Exercises/Positive Change Assignment
1-Weekly email w/ Coach regarding Exercises/Assignments
2-Months Unlimited Email Support
Revamp, Renew & Recreate (RR&R) Your Life Coaching 

$150.00 Per Month
 (3 Month Program)
This program is designed to help motivate and initiate change with a client who would like to not only lose weight but create a healthy lifestyle. Clients will be required to do counseling exercises where they are asked to dig into their deeper relationship with food. During the program, clients will learn to recognize and understand their relationship with food and create new habits based upon their personal health and fitness goals.
Services Include:
Initial contact client survey/assessment forms
20 min. initial contact interview w/ client
3-day food journal assessment
Weekly food journal assessment/critique w/ recommendations
1-Weekly Personal Accountability/Positive Change Assignment
1-Monthly Customized meal plan based on nutritional needs includes shopping list
1- Weekly 20 Min check in conversation w/ coach regarding exercises and progress
1- Daily Motivational Text
1- Weekly Meal Plan: Customized to your specific nutritional needs
1- Standardized Workout Plan (for beginners)
4- Follow Up Support Contacts Via Telephone


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